Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Diagnosis Of Diabetes Mellitus ( Dm ) - 843 Words

Diabetes or clinically referred to as Diabetes Mellitus (DM), is part of several groups of metabolic illnesses where there are high glucose levels for an extended period of time. Diabetes happens if there is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas or the body cells are not adequately responding to the insulin produced. (Ciccone, 2016 p510-511). Delving into its early history, diabetes was one of the early illnesses described, from a tablet found in Egypt from the year 1500 BC that stated too great emptying of the urine.† The early recorded case was about type 1 diabetes. Ancient medicine men from India around the same period identified the disease and gave it the term Madhu Mehta honey urine,† by observing the urine of a patient attracted ants. An early mention of diabetes or to pass through found in passages from poetry by Apollonius, a Greek philosopher from the Egyptian area of Memphis in 230BC. Diabetes was almost nonexistent in the Roman empire, the philosopher Galen commenting that he had observed two cases in his lifetime. The ancient people’s diet and lifestyle was an important factor and also because the symptoms diagnosed during the late stages of the disease. Philosopher Galen called it urine diarrhea or diarrhea urinosa. A surviving papyrus was found with written details about diabetes in the writings of Aretaeus on 2nd or early 3rd BC. He stated that the disease, which he ascribed to the coldness of moisture, imitating the inscriptions fromShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus ( Dm ) Is One Of The Most Prevalent Diseases Affecting The Endocrine System1636 Words   |  7 PagesDiabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent diseases affecting the endocrine system. The incidence of DM in the United States has reached over 29 million citizens (Diabetes Latest, 2014). Of the 29 million, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) estimate that 1 in 4 are unaware of their condition. DM can be categorized into three different diseases: Type One, Type Two, and Gestational. Types one and two are diagnosed anytime throughout a patient’s life; gestational is DM thatRead MorePathophysiology Of Diabetes Mellitus And Diabetes Essay1189 Words   |  5 PagesPathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellites(DM), is a deficiency of insulin action causing hyperglycemia. The majority of DM have a decreased secretion of the cells, insulin resistance, or counterregulatory hormones( McPhee Hammer, 2010). Insulin is synthesized from the beta cells from the pancreases. Composed from A peptide and B peptide connected to C peptide and disulfide bonds. Insulin is a hormone that aids in metabolism. encourages glucose uptake and the synthesis works mainlyRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus ( Dm ) Or Type 2 Diabetes1398 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes Mellitus (DM) or Type 2 Diabetes is seen as a metabolic disease that is categorized by abnormally high blood glucose or hyperglycemia. Diabetes Mellitus is also formerly known as noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and is the most common form of diabetes that is seen. Insulin is a hormone that is supplied to the body that allows us to efficiently use glucose as fuel. When carbohydrates are broken down into sugars in the stomach glucose ent ers the blood circulation simulating the pancreasRead MoreNutrition Therapy On Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus862 Words   |  4 PagesNutrition Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Smelter et al. (2010) defines diabetes mellitus (DM) as a chronic metabolic disorder of glucose metabolism characterized by hyperglycemia. 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Out of all tests performed, heart rate response to standing (EI ratio) and deep breathing (30:15 ratio) were the most common test affected in our study population. S. Aggarwal et al [41] in their study on 50 patients with non cardiac Diabetes Mellitus had demonstrated 70% of patients were tested positive for autonomic dysfunction, howeverRead MoreFactors That Influences Blood Glucose Control2932 Words   |  12 PagesAbstract Background: Diabetes is the most dangerous and common life long-health condition which affects mankind irrespective of age. Diabetes is a boon for the health care provider as it is a very demanding and complex disease. It is very essential that this killer disease must be identified early and significant treatment must be entitled to the patient as soon as it is detected. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Night World Huntress Chapter 15 Free Essays

Jez recognized them immediately-not the individuals, but the type. They were ‘wolves, and they were thugs. Somebody’s hired muscle. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Huntress Chapter 15 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She didn’t have her stick, but she didn’t need it. She could feel a dangerous smile come to her lips; part anticipation and part sheer fury. Suddenly she wasn’t tired, wasn’t sore, wasn’t anything but perfectly in tune with her body and dying to use it as a weapon. She launched herself like a streak of red lightning, passing Claire easily and knocking the human girl flat before landing in front of the ‘wolves. A guy and a girl. They snapped to attention in front of her, each dropping into a fighting stance. Behind her, she could hear Claire say, â€Å"Ow.† â€Å"Good morning and welcome to the Bay Area,† Jez told the ‘wolves; then she snap-kicked the girl in the face. The girl flew backward. She wasn’t out of commission, but it had wrecked the joint attack they had been about to make. The guy knew this, but he was a wolf, so instead of waiting for his partner to recover, he growled and threw himself at Jez. Oh, Goddess, this is too easy. As he drove a punch at her face, Jez turned sideways and let his fist whistle past her. Then she threw her left arm â€Å"* around his left hip, holding him in what was almost an embrace. A deadly one, though. At the same instant she slammed her left hand up to his chin, striking with enough force to stun him. He staggered in her arms, snarling. Bristly hairs erupted on his face. â€Å"Sweet dreams, Fido,† Jez said. She hooked her left leg around his right just below the knee and brought him crashing to the platform. His head hit the concrete and he went limp. Somewhere behind Jez, a sort of thin shrieking had begun. Claire. Jez ignored it, and ignored the two or three people scrambling for the stairs- avoiding the down escalator because it was right beside Jez. She was focused on the female werewolf, who was back on her feet. â€Å"Do yourself a favor and don’t even try anything,† she said, grinning. â€Å"You’re way outclassed.† The girl, who had reddish-brown hair and a feral expression, didn’t answer. She simply showed her teeth and lunged for Jez. With both hands reaching for Jez’s face. You’d think they would learn, Jez. thought. Especially after what just happened. Even as she was thinking it, her body was making the right moves. She grabbed the girl’s leading arm with both hands, then twisted, pulling her off balance. She took the girl down with a pull drop, flipping her to the platform. As soon as the girl was flat Jez locked the arm she still held and began to apply leverage against the elbow joint. â€Å"Don’t move or I’ll break your elbow,† she said pleasantly. The girl was writhing in pain, spitting and struggling and hurting herself worse. Absently, Jez noticed that Claire had stopped shrieking. She glanced up to make sure her cousin was all right and saw that Claire was on her feet, staring openmouthed. Jez gave her a reassuring nod. Then she looked back at the female ‘wolf. Now that the fight was over she had the leisure to wonder what was going on. There were plenty of people who might want to kill her, but she couldn’t think of any reason for them to target Claire. And they had been targeting her; Jez was sure of that. This was no random thing. This was two ‘wolves attacking a human right in public, in front of witnesses, as if they didn’t care who saw them. This was something planned, something important. She gave the girl’s arm a little twist, and the girl snarled wildly, glaring at Jez with reddish eyes full of animal fury and hatred. â€Å"Okay, you know what I want,† Jez said. ‘I need answers, and I don’t have much time. What are you doing here? Who sent you? And why do you want her?† She jerked her head toward Claire. The girl just glared harder. Jez applied more pressure. â€Å"Look, I can make time for this if I need to. I can do this all day. After I break this elbow I’ll do the other one. And then I’ll break your ribs, and then your kneecaps-â€Å" â€Å"Filthy halfbreed scum,† the werewolf snarled. Jez’s heart gave an odd lurch. She tried to quiet it Well, now, that was interesting. Somebody obviously knew her secret. And since they’d been going for Claire, they knew Claire was connected with her†¦. They knew about her family. Jez saw white light. She threw sudden pressure against the ‘wolfs elbow joint. The girl screamed, a sound more of anger than of pain. â€Å"Who hired you?† Jez said softly, each word coming out like a chip of ice. â€Å"Who sent you after my cousin?† She stared into the reddish eyes, trying to reach into the girl’s soul and yank an answer out of her. â€Å"Nobody messes with my family,† she whispered. â€Å"Whoever sent you is going to be sorry.† She couldn’t ever remember feeling so angry. And she was so focused on the girl, so intent, that it wasn’t until Claire screamed that she realized someone was approaching behind her. â€Å"Jez, watch out!† The yell woke Jez up. Without releasing her hold on the female ‘wolf, she turned around-just in time to see a male vampire stalking her. He must have come up the down escalator. And behind him, unbelievably, was Claire, running and getting ready for a flying tackle. â€Å"Claire, don’t!† Jez yelled. She struck the female ‘wolf once, with deadly accuracy, on the side of the jaw to knock her out. Then she sprang toward the vampire. But Claire was already grabbing him-a completely futile and foolish gesture. He whipped around and seized a handful of dark hair, and then he was holding Claire in a choke hold, putting her body between him and Jez. â€Å"One more step and I’ll break her neck,† he warned. Jez skidded to a stop. â€Å"You let go of my cousin,† she spat. â€Å"No, I really think we need to talk first,† he said, the beginnings of an ugly grin on his face. â€Å"You’re the one who’s going to give answers-â€Å" Jez kicked him. A roundhouse kick to his knees while he was busy talking. She didn’t worry about keeping it nonlethal. She only cared about breaking his hold on Claire.- It worked. He lost his grip, stumbling sideways. Jez grabbed Claire and thrust her out of the way, shouting â€Å"Run! The escalator’s right there!† But Claire didn’t run. â€Å"I want to help you!† â€Å"Idiot!† Jez didn’t have time to say that Claire couldn’t help her; could only hurt her. The vampire had recovered and was moving toward her in fighting position. He was big, probably over two hundred pounds. And he was a full vampire, which gave him the advantage of strength and speed. And he was smarter than the ‘wolves; he wasn’t just going to lunge. And Jez didn’t have a weapon. â€Å"Just keep behind me, okay?† she snarled under her breath to Claire. The vampire grinned at that. He knew Jez was vulnerable. She was going to have to keep half her attention on protecting Claire. And then, just as he was about to make an attack, Jez heard the smack of footsteps on concrete. Running footsteps, with a weird little hesitation between them, like somebody with a limp†¦. She flashed a look toward the stairs. Hugh had just rounded the top. He was out of breath and bleeding from cuts on his face. But as soon as he saw her and the vampire he waved his arms and yelled. â€Å"Hey! Ugly Undead! Your friend missed me! You want to have a try?† Hugh? Jez thought in disbelief. Fighting? â€Å"Come on, hey; I’m here; I’m easy.† Hugh was hopping toward the vampire, who was also flashing looks at him, trying to assess this new danger while not taking his focus off Jez. â€Å"You want to go a few rounds?† Hugh dropped into a boxer’s pose, throwing punches at the air. â€Å"Huh? You want to try for the title?† All the time he was speaking, he was dancing closer to the vampire, circling to get behind him. Beautiful, Jez thought. All she needed was for the vampire to shift his attention for one second-just to glance behind him once-and she could kick his face in. It didn’t work that way. Something went wrong. The vampire tried to glance behind him. Jez saw her chance and made the kick, a high kick that snapped his head back. But somehow instead of falling backward the vampire managed to blunder forward straight at her. She could easily have gotten away-except for Claire. Claire had obediently kept behind her-even when behind her meant standing right by the BART tracks, on the yellow metal squares that marked the edge of the platform. Now, as the vampire stumbled forward and Jez began to slide out of the way, she heard Claire gasp, felt Claire clutch at her wildly. She knew what had happened instantly. Claire had tried to run the wrong way and was teetering on the edge of the platform. More, she was taking Jez with her. There was a distant rumble like thunder. Jez knew she could save herself-by getting rid of Claire. She could use Claire’s body as a springboard to propel herself away from the drop. That way, only one of them would die. Instead, she tried to twist and throw Claire away from her, toward safety. It didn’t work. They both lost their balance. Jez had the strange, surprised feeling one gets in the middle of a fell-where’s the ground?-and then she hit it It was a bad fell because she was tangled with Claire. All Jez could do was try to keep Claire* away from the third rail on the far side of the track. The impact winded both of them and Jez saw stars. She could hear Hugh screaming her name. The distant thunder had become a roaring, whizzing sound, carried through the tracks underneath Jez. Down here, she could feel a rattling that wasn’t audible from above. It was a noise that filled her head and shook her body. She knew absolutely, in that instant, that they were going to die. Both of them. Crushed to pieces under the train. The white dragon would run right over them and not even know it. There was simply no chance. Claire was clinging to her desperately, clawing Jez’s arms hard enough to draw blood, and gasping in the breath for a scream. And even if Jez had been a full vampire, she couldn’t have lifted Claire the four feet to the platform fast enough. There was nothing to save them, no hope. No rescue. It was over. All of this flashed through Jez’s mind in the single instant it took her to look up and see the train bearing down on them. Its sleek white nose was only thirty feet away, and it was braking, but nowhere near fast enough, and this was it, the actual moment of her death, the last thoughts she would ever think, and the last thing she would ever see was white, white, white- Blue. It happened all at once, filling her vision. One second she could see clearly, the next the entire world was blue. Not just blue. Fiery, dazzling, lightning-shot blue. Like being inside some sort of science-fiction special effect. There was blue streaming and crackling and sizzling all around her, a cocoon of blue that enfolded her and shot past her and disappeared somewhere ahead. | I’m dead, Jez thought. So this is what it’s like. Completely different from what people say. Then she realized that she could hear a faint shrieking sound beneath her. It was Claire. They were still holding on to each other. We’re both dead. Or we’ve fallen into some kind of space warp. The rest of the world is gone. There’s just-this. She had an impulse to touch the blue stuff, but she couldn’t move because of Claire’s grip on her arms. It might not have been safe anyway. Where it flowed over her, she could feel a sort of zinging and tingling as if all her blood were being excited. It smelled like the air after a storm. And then it disappeared. All at once. Not by stages. But it still took Jez several moments to see anything, because her eyes were blinded with dark yellow after-images. They burned and danced in front of her like a new kind of lightning, and she only gradually realized where she was. On the train tracks. Exactly where she had been before. Except that now there was a huge, sleek BART train two feet in front of her. She had to tilt her head to look up at its nose? It was gigantic from this angle, a monster of white, like the iceberg that sank the Titanic. And it was stopped dead, looking as if it had always been here, like some mountainous landmark. As if it had never moved an inch in its history. People were yelling. Shrieking and yowling and making all kinds of noise. It seemed to come from far away, but when Jez looked she could see them staring down at her. They were at the edge of the platform, waving their arms hysterically. As Jez stared back at them, a couple jumped down to the tracks. Jez looked down at her cousin. Claire was dragging in huge breaths, hyperventilating, her whole body shaking in spasms. She was staring at the train that loomed over them with eyes that showed white all around. A loudspeaker was booming. One of the people who had jumped, a man in a security guard’s uniform, was jabbering at Jez. She couldn’t understand a word he was saying. â€Å"Claire, we’ve got to go now.† Her cousin just whooped in air, sobbing. â€Å"Claire, we have to go now. Come on.† Jez’s whole body felt light and strange, and when she tried to move she felt as if she were floating. But she could move. She stood up and pulled Claire with her. She realized that somebody was calling her name. It was the other person who had jumped to the tracks. It was Hugh. He was reaching for her. His gray eyes were as wide as Claire’s, but not wide and hysterical. Wide and still. He was the only calm person in the crowd, beside Jez. â€Å"Come on. Up this way,† he said. He helped her boost Claire to the platform, and then Jez scrambled up and reached down to help him. When they were all up, Jez glanced around. She knew she was looking for something-yes. There. The werewolves she’d knocked out. It seemed a hundred years ago, but they were still lying there. â€Å"The other guy got away,† Hugh said. â€Å"Then we have to get out of here fast.† Jez heard her own voice, sounding quiet and faraway. But she was beginning to feel more attached to her body. Hugh was guiding Claire toward the escalator. Jez got on the other side of Claire, and they both helped keep her on her feet. The security guy was behind them, yelling. Jez still couldn’t understand him and ignored him completely. When they reached the lower level, she and Hugh began to walk faster, pulling Claire along with them. They shoved Claire through the handicapped gate by the ticket window and vaulted over themselves. From down here, Jez could see that the train was smoking all along its bottom. White smoke that sizzled up into the muggy air. â€Å"We can’t go on the street,† Hugh said. â€Å"They’ve got cars out there.† â€Å"The garage,† Jez said. They both headed for it, a multi-story brick building that looked dark and cool inside. They were almost running with Claire, now, and they didn’t stop until they were deep within the bowels of the garage, with emptiness echoing all around them. Then Jez sagged against a brick pillar. Hugh bent over with his hands on his knees. Claire simply folded to the ground like a marionette with all its strings cut. Jez let herself breathe for a few minutes, let her brain settle down, before slowly lowering herself beside her cousin. They all looked as if they’d been in an accident. Hugh’s shirt was ripped and there was drying blood all down one side of his face. Claire’s hair was wildly disheveled, and there were scrapes and small cuts on her face and arms. Jez herself had lost a lot of skin to the tracks, and her forearms were bleeding where Claire had scratched her. But they were alive. Beyond all hope, they were alive. Claire looked up just then to find Jez gazing at her. They sat for several moments simply staring into each other’s eyes. Then Jez reached out to touch her cousin’s cheek. â€Å"It was you,† she whispered. â€Å"All that time-and it was you.† She looked up at Hugh and began to laugh. He looked back, his face pale in the semi-darkness. He shook his head and began to laugh, too, but shakily. â€Å"Oh, Goddess,† he said. â€Å"I thought you were dead, there, Jez. I thought I’d lost you.† â€Å"Not while she’s around, apparently,† Jez said, and laughed harder. She was slightly hysterical, but she didn’t care. Hugh’s laughter sounded a little like crying. â€Å"I saw that train-and there was no way it was going to stop in time. And then-that light. It just shot out-and the train hit it. It was like a physical thing. Like a giant cushion. The train hit it and it squashed and the train went slower and then it kept squashing-â€Å" Jez stopped laughing. â€Å"I wonder if the people on the train got hurt.† â€Å"I don’t know.† Hugh was sober now, too. â€Å"They must’ve gotten thrown around. It stopped so fast. But it didn’t smash. They’re probably okay.† â€Å"I just-from the inside, it looked like lightning-â€Å" â€Å"From the outside, too. I didn’t imagine it would look like that-â€Å" â€Å"I didn’t know it would be so powerful. And, think about it; she’s untrained-â€Å" There they were, an Old Soul and a vampire hunter who’d seen everything the streets had to offer, babbling like a couple of kids. It was Claire who stopped them. She had been looking from one of them to the other, getting more and more agitated. Now she grabbed Jez’s arm. â€Å"What are you guys talking about?† Jez turned to her. She glanced at Hugh, then spoke gently. â€Å"We’re talking about you, Claire. You’re the Wild Power.† How to cite Night World : Huntress Chapter 15, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Discussion about Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Fast Food Restaurant Cas

Question: Discuss about the Kentucky Fried Chicken Fast Food Restaurant. Answer: Introduction KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken which is a fast food restaurant mainly specializes in fried chicken and the company has its headquarter at Louisville, Kentucky in United States. It is considered to be the second largest fast food restaurant chain in terms of sales after McDonalds operating globally in 115 countries though its 18000 outlets across the globe (KFC, 2016). The company operates in order to cater to the specific tastes and preferences of its customers and thus emphasizes upon facilitating its customers with high quality products and services. In this context, the operations of the company is supported by highly skilled and experienced employee base responsible for delivering efficiency in both its backstage and frontstage operations. From the analysis of the fast food restaurant operations, I observed the fact that the operations are generally divided into front of the house and back of the house operations. Where in back of the house operations, the areas involved include the purchasing of the materials, the receiving, and storage, issuing preparation of the food, service, sanitation, dishwashing, budgeting, accounting and control, the front of the house of the operations can be related to the individuals and the operations that directly interact with the customers in the dining space. Analyzing the front of the house of the operations at KFC, I became aware of the fact that the managers tend to play a major role. They emphasize upon forecasting the number of guests to be expected on a particular day and communicate the message to the kitchen. This is done by analyzing the arrival of the guests on that particular day in the previous year taking into consideration the factors like the weather conditions, day of the week, events or holidays and others (Greasley, 2008). I observed that the tables are generally 24 to 30 inches square and are placed at equal distance from each other and the tables are also capable of accommodating six people when they are spread open. Once the tables are laid and restaurant is set, the front staff members get involved in quick service meeting and then get into actions. When the guests or the customers enter the restaurant they are greeted by the hosts and they are shown the way to the table. The menus are handed over to the guests and t hey also have the provision of displaying the menus with price on the display screen. Very often, the customers are asked to wait for few minutes so the orders can be spaced out to prevent the kitchen from getting over slammed. The customers are also helped with the menus by the server, offers if any are also explained and their queries are answered. After clearly explaining the menus, the customers allowed the space to decide their menu. Once the customers decide their menu they visit the counter where they place the order and are facilitated with the receipt of the amount that they have to pay for the order placed. After that the order is taken which is again sent to the kitchen and appropiate cutlery is checked for each of the customers and the spoons are added or removed as required. The order once ready is then handed over the customers in a tray. The customers receive the tray and enjoy their menu on their preferred table. Once the customers are done with their food, they are approached by the staff members within the store and are often facilitated with the survey leaflets to collect their valuable feedbacks about their experience within the restaurant outlet (Iredell, 2007). Moreover, from the analysis, I came across that in this overall operation, the managers emphasize upon ensuring the fact that everything is functioning smoothly and are ready to help the staff members and guests in every way possible. On the other hand, I also emphasized upon analyzing the back of the house of operations of KFC. The analysis revealed the fact that the kitchen proves to be the center of production and thus needs to be run properly in order to offer good quality food and presentation so that it can be meet the goals of costing. The chefs are responsible for checking the inventory at the close to ensure sufficient quantities of food for the expected visitors. The suppliers are provided the orders one day before so that the materials get delivered. The prep cooks are assigned with their responsibilities and task the day before and the chef tends to ensure that all the menus are prepared as per the standardized recipes and entire line is ready for the service. During the service delivery, the manager acts as a caller that facilitates in controlling the ordering and expediting of the plates at the pass (Weng et al., 2016). Once the service has been delivered, the food is put away and the cleanup part is done, the par stocks are checked for the next service, orders are made and schedules of production are made and thus it acts as a never ending process. With the passage of time, I have observed that the competition in the fast food restaurant industry has increased with various players like KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Starbucks and thus it becomes important on the part of the fast food restaurants chain like KFC to not only strive towards ensuring operational efficiency, but also take into consideration the aspects like service encounter which is the main aspect that is looked upon by the customers while evaluating a service. Again if the customers are satisfied with the service encounter then it tends to have a positive significant impact on the business profitability through repeat purchases and positive word of mouth marketing. Thus, I can emphasize upon the fact that fast food restaurant should be proactive in their approach to design strategies that are capable of leading the business towards sustainable competitive advantage. Again the service encounter can be looked upon as an area where the promises made by the business are eith er kept or broken and at times it can also be referred to as the real time marketing efforts that are capable of offering high level customer satisfaction and gain customer loyalty (Zeithaml Bitner, 2008). The service encounters also facilitate the customers with the reasons and grounds to develop their perception or opinion towards the business in context to the service quality. Thus, in conclusion, I would like to focus upon the point that with each service encounter, the business has opportunity to enhance the overall satisfaction on the part of the customers. Moreover, in this context I tend to emphasize that where service encounters tend to portray the image the businesses like KFC as a quality service provider, it becomes important that the managers play a major and active role in delivering quality services. Taking into consideration the front stage operations, the managers are responsible to train to the staff members so that they acquire required skills to handle the customers and ensure efficiency in their operations (Drucker and Maciariello, 2008). Moreover, the managers are also responsible for assisting the staff members together with the customers in order to ensure the fact that operational functions are carried out in a smooth manner. They also have the roles and responsibilities of analyzing the external and internal environment to develop strategies so that the business can be led to new heights ahead of the competitors. Conclusion Thus from the above discussions, I would like to derive that a fast food restaurant is characterized with back stage and front stage operations where the managers tend to play a major role in ensuring enhanced service encounters leading to improved overall customer satisfaction. References Drucker, P. and Maciariello, J. (2008).Management. New York, NY: Collins. Greasley, A. (2008).Operations management. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Iredell, A. (2007). Control in Food Service Operations.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 4(3), pp.39-45. KFC. (2016).About - KFC: WHAT MADE us GREAT IS STILL WHAT MAKES US GREAT. [online] Available at: https://www.kfc.com/about [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Weng, S., Gotcher, D. and Kuo, C. (2016). Lining up for quick serviceThe business impact of express lines on fast-food restaurant operations.Journal of Foodservice Business Research, pp.1-17. Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner M.J, (2008) Service Marketing, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.