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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Communication Systems & EMC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Correspondence Systems and EMC - Essay Example Anyway in the current day, new electronic specialized gadgets are coming up each year. Likewise the multiplication of innovation relating to media transmission is by and by seeing a blasting period. With the progression of time new advancements are coming up and the part is showing signs of improvement step by step. Anyway alongside improvement, the force of dangers is additionally expanding. The hazard factor is incredibly high when contrasted with the good 'ol days. Henceforth it turns into a commitment to deal with the dangers which may come in various structures and from any of the parts of correspondence. The report will chiefly feature the issues related with electronic correspondence. Throughout the examination, the current ICT foundation will be plainly depicted. Moreover the dangers related with the electronic correspondence that may occur because of environmental change will be likewise depicted. The report will likewise reveal insight into how the ICT division will fulfill the expanding need of the clients to improve and build the portable inclusion zones, improved machine to machine administration and upgraded administration of versatile web. The reliance between the different sorts of correspondence approaches will be likewise accentuated. The kinds of correspondence to be canvassed in this setting are wired correspondence, remote correspondence and furthermore correspondence with the assistance of fiber framework. In conclusion the report will light up the administrative changes important to manage such requests. In the current days electronic correspondence has turned into a need for the business houses. With quick globalization and cross fringe exchange there is a developing need and use of electronic correspondence all through the world. Likewise electronic correspondence has gotten vital to oversee abroad ventures and gives preparing to the workers. The progression of innovation has encouraged associations to speak with their national just as worldwide division.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Modern Slavery In The USA free essay sample
I turned into an understudy at the college in 2010 and I was keen on nursing and brain science. Both these fields of studies expected me to take two English classes and English W132 was one of them. I realized it would have been like W131 yet not as hard. At the point when one catches wind of a composing class, they don't imagine that it very well may be very tedious and including a great deal of research work and considering. Human dealing has been a significant social unfairness and furthermore viewed as a grievous wrongdoing. We as individuals have interacted with an individual who is a casualty however we don't perceive that that individual is being held hostage and utilized as a slave worker. Human dealing isn't permitted in the US however on the grounds that it is the law doesn't imply that it doesn't exist. Point and question at Issue This subject interests me since I watch a ton of TV and see the anguish and torment individuals experience all around the word when they fall casualty of human dealing. We will compose a custom paper test on Current Slavery In The USA or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It harms a ton that I really want to simply paying heed and choosing to expound on it causes me to become familiar with the issue and I can have the option to instruct my friends about it. This is a human rights issue since it abuses the privileges of individuals to have opportunity. We reserve a privilege to possess our own property, live unreservedly and appreciate life’s essential needs however the dealers deny their casualties this right. They hold them prisoner and treat them like the filth of the earth. We are for the most part equivalent and everybody merits an opportunity to be in a reasonable and simply world and when this is removed, an individual resembles a slave in a spot that should secure them. As I compose my last contention for this class, my inquiry at issue is â€Å"has the US done what's necessary to battle human dealing or do they have to order stricter laws and punishments to secure the people in question? †this inquiry has truly developed since I begun explore on my paper and the more research I did, the more the inquiry turned out to be progressively significant and I needed to discover replies to it. It astonished me to discover that in the US, human dealing has not generally been in the fore front of issues. Truly, laws have been gone ahead to secure the people in question however they have not been appropriately upheld and this is because of our administration authorities bombing us. The individuals who are sworn y=to secure and serve the residents, particularly law authorities have been defaced by eagerness and have been accepting hush money from the dealers. This thusly has made the casualties so terrified to report the torment and misuse they experience and end up simply enduring in the hands of their captors. Enthymeme and Argument After much research, I wound up with the accompanying enthymeme â€Å"the United States may need to accomplish more to battle human dealing on the grounds that the laws are every now and again not being authorized appropriately, it is constantly expanding, and it is frequently because of frail punishments. †After perusing all the educators remarks and accomplishing more research on my theme, I understood that the above enthymeme is the thing that I expected to concentrate on when I am composing my last contention. I added qualifiers to make my case increasingly authentic. I need my crowd to realize that I present this case with certain vulnerability since I am mindful and basic about the information and research I am introducing. The qualifiers I utilized are may, every now and again and regularly and they show the peruser that my case has restrictions because of the exploration I have led. They likewise show my crowd that my case can be contended in light of the fact that the qualifiers are causing them to accept that my case is legitimate. The time has come for the United States thought of better laws and stiffer punishments to battle human dealing. There are a few laws that have been set up to stop this kind of social treachery yet not upheld successfully. As of now, the inquiry at issue isn't whether the United States has done what's necessary to stop the exchange of people however basically â€Å"Should the United States accomplish more to battle human dealing? †I thought of this inquiry subsequent to perusing a great deal of writing on human dealing and discovering that it is as yet a continuous issue which has never been abrogated. We are in the 21st. century and have not yet discovered an answer for battle human exchange which is a horrifying unspeakable atrocity. Subsequent to investigating a great deal on this subject and doing some spirit looking, I chose to take the accompanying position; human dealing ought to be unlawful in light of the fact that it’s a grave social shamefulness against mankind. To back up this case of arrangement, I took to the web to make myself progressively acquainted with the issue. There were a ton ofâ journal articles that were talking about the various ways that the administration has attempted to stop human dealing yet a large portion of them were reasoning that the laws were not extreme enough and that some administration authorities were engaged with the exchange. Human dealing is the most noticeably awful wrongdoing that can be submitted by anybody since it denies an individual the privilege to opportunity and uniformity making it a grave social bad form. Another explanation is that I needed to return to the meaning of human dealing from all points. I needed to consider youngster work, constrained work, sex work of men, ladies and kids, and the components that lead to dealing. I decided to pick the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons in Palermo, Italy (2000) meaning of human dealing which expresses that it is â€Å"the enrollment, transportation, move, harboring or receipt of people, by methods for the danger or utilization of power or different types of intimidation, of kidnapping, of extortion, of duplicity, of maltreatment of intensity or of a place of helplessness or of the giving or accepting of installments or advantages to accomplish the assent of an individual having command over someone else, with the end goal of exploitation†(Gozdziak, and Collett 6). This definition doesn't express that human dealing just influences one sex or gathering of individuals yet rather incorporates all human paying little heed to age, sex and sex. A portion of my sources have recorded various meanings of human dealing and for the most part focusing on ladies and little youngsters. This paper is kept in touch with a crowd of people with a foundation of social equity issues and that additionally incorporates my colleagues and teacher. I accept that we as a whole offer a similar supposition that human dealing ought to be unlawful on the grounds that it is a grievous unspeakable atrocity while denying them the rights and opportunity that should improve their prosperity. The casualties experience pitiless and out of line treatment which none of us can envision experiencing and therefore, I mean to convince my crowd that my paper is important and solid. It will have clear motivations to back up my case from all the exploration work I have led. My crowd should address the subject of whether the administration has just done what's needed to stop human dealing. I should be cautious when discussing the laws authorized on the grounds that I will address this issue occurring in the United States regardless of whether I am just a lasting inhabitant as opposed to being a resident. A portion of my crowd individuals may feel like I am meddling with their administrative approaches and I am not even initially from here. I additionally need to make my paper simple to peruse and directly to the point as opposed to attempting to make them look for the shrouded rubs. The best proof that I have found so far is a ton of writing expounded on this issue, particularly peer looked into articles composed by eminent writers and specialists. The vast majority of the writing articles are from distributed scholarly diaries from individuals who have devoted their exploration exclusively on human dealing. The vast majority of these articles bolster my case that poses the inquiry â€Å"which laws are gone ahead to stop human dealing? †The examination articles that I have accumulated have a ton of proof and clarifications on the issue that United States has not authorized better laws to battle human dealing. They do bolster my case that insufficient has been done to stop this continuous issue and furthermore show that the laws established are not being completely sanctioned by the administration authorities. A few counterarguments will emerge while composing my last paper and the greatest one I have so far is that there isn't sufficient research led before or present for me to arrive at my decisions and completely bolster my case. I should address the subject of â€Å"what if the US has just done what's necessary to stop human dealing? †Another one will be that the United States has advanced enough assets to stop human dealing however people are simply the ones exposing to this sort of abominations since they are attempting to run from their nations of origin to better themselves in the United States thus making the wrongdoing a troublesome one to indict. A large portion of my articles will be the proof I use in the rejoinder to show that the administration is the one that has neglected to sanction stricter measures to check this illegal exchange of people. Assets Right now I have twenty sources that all talk about human dealing and the laws that have been presented. The greater part of my sources are from the web by means of online friend evaluated diaries, online magazines and distributions, associations that are against human dealing, and online articles from licensed writers. I utilized the library databases from my school (IUPUI) and the one I saw as extremely supportive was Academic Search Premier. One of my sources is a book composed explicitly to address human dealing in the United States. A large portion of the sources are under ten years of age and some have been refreshed of late making them current. My creators are likewise specialists who have done a ton of work about human dealing and have extraordinary information
Thursday, July 30, 2020
1 Month, 0 Classes
1 Month, 0 Classes well only if I choose to. Tomorrow marks the beginning of IAP (Independent Activities Period)Its one of my favorite times of the year because everything is pretty much optional. MIT with no class?!?!?! SCORE. During January, a lot of people do externships, some go to Zambia, some France, some stay at home and some go to lab. After a brief search on the IAP website, I found some pretty interesting activities: Opera the Ultimate Dramatic Experience David Collins M.Ed. pre-opera lecturer and historian for Opera Boston Tue Jan 16, Thu Jan 18, Tue Jan 23, Thu Jan 25, 10:30am-01:00pm, 4-160 No enrollment limit, no advance sign up Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series) Prereq: none Opera is the marriage of theater and music. In 4 sessions we explore the fascinating and addictive world of opera, using audio and video examples to follow the history of opera from the late Renaissance through the death of Puccini in 1924. Among the composers represented will be: Monteverdi, Rameau, Purcell, Handel, Gluck, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, Meyerbeer, Berlioz, Gounod, Offenbach, Verdi, Wagner, Richard Strauss and Puccini. Emphasis will be placed on understanding opera as a dramatic art form expressed through music. Consideration will be given to different dramatic aesthetics crucial factors in a composers approach to opera. This course is geared for both beginners and those wishing to expand their operatic horizons. Contact: Steve Michaels, E38-400, x8-8104, [emailprotected] Sponsor: Music and Theater Arts Science Policy Bootcamp William B. Bonvilliam-Director MIT Washington, DC Office, Taras Gorshnyy, Alicia Jackson, Asher Sinensky and Cathribe Tweedie Mon Jan 22 thru Fri Jan 26, 09:30am-12:30pm, TBD Signup by: 08-Jan-2007 Limited to 25 participants. Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series) Prereq: Geared for Grad Students or Post Doc. in Science or Engineer Science and technology public policy strongly guides the future of science education and research. Despite significant interest in science policy issues within the graduate student community at MIT, there exist few opportunities for increased understanding about and practical involvement with science policy. Given the challenges to future federal support, the aim of this five-day seminar is to introduce graduate scientists and engineers to the ‘nuts and bolts’ of science policy making. The course will expose students to the fundamental structure and dynamics of science policy and inform them of routes into a policy experience or career. This seminar is cosponsored by MITs Presidents Office that strongly supports the integration and deepening of science policy awareness within the MIT community at all levels. Web: Contact: Alicia Jackson, 13-4057, x3-7234, [emailprotected] Sponsor: Materials Science and Engineering Cosponsor: Presidents Office AND MY FAVORITE MIT EVENT PERIOD HANDS DOWN AND FIREWORKS!!!!111ONEONEONE!!! Annual MIT Mystery Hunt Dan Katz, Jennifer Braun Fri Jan 12 thru Mon Jan 15, 12pm-12:00am, Lobby 7 No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below) Signup by: 15-Dec-2006 Single session event Join us for the 2007 Mystery Hunt, the annual MIT puzzle and sleep-deprivation competition. Get together with friends to solve puzzles that will lead you to a coin hidden somewhere on campus. The hunt starts Friday at noon and ends when the coin is found, some days later. Please sign up at the website. Lone hunters looking for a team can sign up as unattached hunters. New hunters always welcome. Web: Contact: Jennifer Braun, [emailprotected] Sponsor: Mystery Hunt Ill be playing with some of my best friends this year, and IM INCREDIBLY STOKED. If youd like to play remotely, shoot me an email to bryanblogs [at] mit [dot] edu, and Ill respond with some info. SO EXCITED. PS. If you refresh the IAP homepage enough, you can see my friend Yonas, hes juggling. Hes also playing on our mystery hunt team.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Simpsons on Television Essay - 1345 Words
The Simpsons How does a television series keep going in this time of ever changing network schedules and shows that grow stale after twelve weeks? The Simpsons have not only lasted, but it has also become a staple of American life. Many tribute this longevity to the witty and hilarious satire that is present in every episode. By using incongruity, sarcasm, exaggeration, and other comedic techniques, The Simpsons satirizes most aspects of ordinary life, from family, to TV, to religion, achieving the true essence of satire. Homer Simpson is the captivating and hilarious satire of todays quot;Everyman.quot; With each passing season, Homer has emerged more and more as the central character in the series. In one episode, a previously†¦show more content†¦I want to see you both fighting for your parents lovequot;! Because it is so exaggerated, Homers quote is a very funny contradiction of Marges. Though many parents do cross the line in pushing their child to succeed, Homer overly exaggerates it when he says, quot;I want to see you both fighting for your parents love!quot; Marge represents the quot;goodquot; parent, as she so often does, and Homer becomes the extreme satire of the quot;badquot; parent. He also says he doesnt want his kids going easy on each other because theyre family. This is in direct contrast of the quot;family firstquot; mentality most parents try to instill in their children. Instead, Homer wrongly puts winning ahead of anything else. There is a lot of incongruity in Homers actions as well because one does not expect a middle-aged father to act so childish. With exaggerated characters, the townspeople of Springfield satirize the stereotypes that the media so often depicts. Police Chief Clancy Wiggum is the corrupt and unintelligent head of the police force. His physical appearance alone is a satire of the stereotypical officer. He is very fat, always eating donuts and assorted artery clogging foods, and his nose bares a striking resemblance to that of a pig. In an act of comedy only possible in cartoons, Wiggums round, upturned nose with large nostrils is unlike anyone elses in Springfield. Aside from his physical features, his questionable character servesShow MoreRelatedEssay about Analysis of the Television Show The Simpsons1176 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Television Show The Simpsons The specific children’s series that I will be discussing is entitled â€Å"The Simpson’s†. The main characters consist of Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie Simpson. They reside in a town called Springfield, one that is typical of an American suburb. Some other characters which appear on a regular basis are Mr. Burns, the owner of the Springfield chemical plant, his assistant Weiland Smithers, the Flanders family, which resides right next door to theRead More The Simpsons Television Show as a Pop Culture Icon Essay2439 Words  | 10 Pages The definition of the typical American family has changed considerably over time. Ever since the age of television dawned on American culture, situation comedies have tried to portray the typical American family in an attempt to reach as many viewers as possible. In the 1950s, there was Leave It to Beaver which represented a generic view of the American family during its time. There was a father whose responsibility was to financially support the family and be a role model for his childrenRead MoreEssay on The Simpsons Up Close and Personal938 Words  | 4 PagesThe Simpsons Up Close and Personal There is a fine line that exists in TV land that had never been crossed until The Simpsons graced the television sets of over one million Americans. This sitcom has become one of the most popular television programs in America. Is it because The Simpsons is a cartoon? My answer is yes! This show is able to sneak through the wormholes of TV land because it is a cartoon. People are overlooking the underlying issues conveyed through the characters becauseRead More The Simpsons Essay example1184 Words  | 5 PagesThe Simpsons When the FOX network aired The Simpsons in 1989, the show brought the yellow-skinned and four-fingered cartoon characters named Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson into millions of American living rooms. This bent archetype of the American family, as well as the hundreds of zany characters that populate their all-American hometown of Springfield, fast became the targets of enormous criticism. Elementary schools banned T-shirts bearing the images of the Simpson familyRead MoreThe Trial Of Simpson : An Agenda Setting Analysis1508 Words  | 7 Pages The Trial of O.J. Simpson: An Agenda-Setting Analysis Mariah Short University of Kentuckyâ€Æ' The Trial of O.J. Simpson: An Agenda-Setting Analysis During the infamous O.J. Simpson trial the television news media was ever present. Placing the trial as a top news story set in motion the idea that this trial was an important issue. However, the television news media was not successful at determining whether O.J. was guilty or not. For this reason, the O.J. Simpson trial is an excellent exampleRead MoreMatt Groening Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesMatt Groening is arguably one of the best cartoonists in the history of television. When people hear the name Matt Groening, they immediately think about the hit cartoon series The Simpsons or Futurama. However, not many people know much about Matt Groening as a person. Groening was born on February 15, 1954 in Portland Oregon. Groening graduated from Lincoln High School in Portland Oregon and graduated from Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington. Right after Groening graduated fromRead MoreEssay on Meet The Simpsons1650 Words  | 7 Pages Meet the Simpsons nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Over time, the definition of what exactly quot;familyquot; means has changed with time. Usually, what constitutes making up a family is relative to a specific culture, but as always, there are exceptions to the rule. Ever since the golden age of television had sprung upon American culture, television has tried to mimic the quot;idealquot; American family through its programming. Even as early as the 1950s, television producers made programmingRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer Simpson s The Simpsons 1288 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study on Homer Simpson By: Ian Conway Homer Simpson is a fictional character and one of the main protagonists in the TV show The Simpsons. Dan Castellanta voices him. He lives in a fictional town called Springfield, Oregon, United States. He is married to Marge Simpson with three children named Bart, Lisa and Maggie. He has a pet dog named Santa’s Little Helper and cat called Snowball. Homer currently works in the show at a Nuclear Power Plant as a Safety inspector but has worked at previousRead MorePostmodernism And Its Impact On Modern Culture Essay1722 Words  | 7 PagesPostmodernism has many different definitions as it has a range of contexts, but when thinking about television it can be defined as a â€Å"renewed appreciation for popular culture that often remixes other art works and pop culture in order to create something new†(Suto, 2013). Collins (1992) agrees with this and says it was a significant cultural movement that developed in the 20th century following the modernism period, where ther e was a â€Å"move away from abstraction and geometrics to the overly familiarRead MoreEssay about Life of Oj Simpson1436 Words  | 6 PagesO. J. Simpson Case One of the most famous and publicly known cases of all time is the OJ Simpson murder case. This case was publicly announced for many years. It was very popular because not only was O.J. Simpson a famous former American football star but also an actor that had been accused of a very serious crime that changed his life forever. Although the case was publicly announced, many people don’t know many of the specifics about his early childhood, his athletic career and most importantly
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Solutions for Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay on
Solutions for Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay on Although having the ability to write persuasively can look like a challenging thing for children to learn, remind them that everyone has valid opinions. Since you may see, there are plenty of ideas for persuasive essay topics for college students all that it requires to create one is a little bit of imagination! There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Remember which you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. Weave in your perspective to create your essay unique. Books never ought to be banned. Qualities of a fantastic persuasive essay topic The topic needs to be specific. Good persuasive essay topics need to be persuasive. Textbooks ought to be free. Persuasive essays share a whole lot of resemblance with argumentative essays. Writing a great persuasive essay is not an easy job, however, it's achievable. The Chronicles of Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay on In general, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Certain persuasive essay prompts can earn a topic much easier to write about or there may be a difference if there's a strong opinion to generate a subject easier to be persuasive about. Still, figuring out the ideal topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student. Selecting the proper topic for a persuasive speech can be not such an easy matter to do as it might appear. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. You still must make an outstanding bit of writing. Remember your essay shouldn't be a string of jokes, it's a narrative it needs to have a start, middle and the end. Writing a superb persuasive essay is a remarkable approach to impress both your teacher and peers. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. As tempting as it might appear to skip past the extra info and go right to the list of persuasive essay topics, don't do it. Figure out how funny argumentative essay topics can receive the interest of your tutor. Take notes concerning all possible topics you'll be able to consider. Sure, with this kind of a huge number of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. The help here comes in various categories. Whichever topic you select, always don't forget the significance of literature sources. Possessing excellent research abilities and selecting an excellent topic is important. Details of Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay on To defend your subject, you might recall the effect of overloaded schedule on college grades. When prior brainstorming is finished, you can begin drafting your essay. Other folks believe that it improves creativity and productivity at work. Therefore, for your coursework, you are going to want to have the very best ideas. The New Fuss About Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay on Next, you must consider the method on how you need to relay it to your readers. What's funny to you might not be funny to your readers. There are a couple easy guidelines to follow as a way to be in a position to compose an excellent persuasive e ssay. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Just adhere to the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a very good persuasive essay. When writing your paper from one of many good argumentative essay topics, it might help to imagine yourself as an attorney that's defending a client that's innocent. Even should you not own a topic for persuasive essay then it doesn't matter, our writers can help the entire process, from starting to end, and will have the ability to acquire your work done in time, however urgent the deadline could be. Taking into account that lots of persuasive essays concern controversial topics, before writing, you can want to sit down and think of what your opinion on the topic actually is.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scientific Revolution Free Essays
Scientific Revolution – Documents Packet Primary and secondary documents are the backbone of historical research. Primary sources give us a first hand account of an event, while secondary sources give us a broader perspective on an event, given time, distance and new insight. As students of history, we must possess the ability to properly analyze a document in order to understand its value. We will write a custom essay sample on Scientific Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now This packet of documents relating to the â€Å"scientific revolution†of the 16th 17th centuries is designed to sharpen your historical thinking skills. Assignment: 1. Read each document. 2. Discuss what each document is about. 3. Write: What challenges did scientific minded people faced during the 16th and 17th Century? 4. Which documents are most useful in helping you answer the question above? Why? Give examples of individual documents. |Document 1 | |SECONDARY SOURCE: Michael Postan, â€Å"Why Was Science Backward in the Middle Ages? in A Short History of Science: Origins and Results of the Scientific | |Revolution 1991. | |It is generally agreed that the Middle Ages preserved for the use of later times the science of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Therein lies both the | |scientific achievement and the scientific failure of the medieval civilization. . . . What the Middle Ages took over they did not very much enrich. | |Indeed so small was their own contribution that historians of science are apt to regard the Middle Ages as something of a pause or vacuum in | |scientific advancement. . . although some advance on planes both p urely intellectual and technical there was; yet taken together and placed against | |the vast panorama of medieval life, or indeed against the achievements of Greek and Roman science until in the fourth century B. C. , or with the | |scientific activity of the17th century, all these achievements are bound to appear very poor. Why then this poverty? | | | |To this question many answers can be and have been given. But what most of them boil down to is the absence in medieval life of what I should be | |inclined to call scientific incentives. Students of science sometimes differ about the true inspiration of scientific progress. Some seek and find it | |in man’s intellectual curiosity, in his desire to understand the workings of nature. Others believe that scientific knowledge grew and still grows out| |of man’s attempts to improve his tools and his methods of production; that, in short, scientific truth is a by-product of technical progress. I do not| |want here to take sides in this particular controversy; what I want to suggest is that the Middle Ages were doubly unfortunate in that both the | |inspirations, the intellectual as well as the practical, failed more or less. | | | |The easiest to account for is the intellectual. The Middle Ages were the age of faith, and to that extent they were unfavorable to scientific | |speculation. It is not that scientists as such were proscribed. For on the whole the persecution of men for their scientific ideas was very rare: rare| |because men with dangerous ideas, or indeed with any scientific ideas at all, were themselves very rare; and it is indeed surprising that there were | |any at all. This does not mean that there were no intellectual giants. All it means is that in an age which was one of faith and men of intellect and | |spirit found the calls of faith itself. To put it simply, they had no time for occupations like science. | | | |In fact they had neither the time nor the inclination. For even if there had been enough men to engage in activities as mundane as science, there | |would still be very little reason for them to do so. In times when medieval religious belief stood whole and un- shaken the intellectual objects and | |the methods of science were, to say the least, unnecessary. The purpose of scientific enquiry is to build up piecemeal a unified theory of the | |universe, of its origin and of its working. But in the Middle Ages was that process really necessary? Did not medieval man already possess in God, in | |the story of Creation a complete explanation of how the world came about and of how, by what means and to what purpose, it was being conducted? Why | |question the bible and the church which held the keys to salvation? | | | |So much for intellectual incentive. The practical incentive was almost equally feeble. Greater understanding of nature could not come from technical | |improvements, chiefly because technical improvements were so few. Medieval occupations continued for centuries without appreciable change of method. |After the great period of initial development, i. e. , after the late eleventh century, the routine of medieval farming in the greater part of Europe | |became as fixed as the landscape itself. During the Middle Ages as a whole technical improvement was very rare and very slow. For this medieval | |economic policy was largely to blame†¦. | | | |What is more, so deeply ingrained was the spirit of protection tha t in every local trade the technical methods were treated as a secret. . . The men| |of the Middle Ages were unable to do more than they did because they were lacking in scientific incentive. | |Document 2 | |SECONDARY SOURCE: Sir George Clark, Early Modern Europe. 1982. | |There were an infinite number of motives which led men to engage in scientific work beginning around the 16th Century at about the same time as the | |â€Å"renaissance†and to encourage the scientific point of view. We may group together some of the most important under general headings, always remembering| |that in actual life each of them was compounded and influenced by the others. There were economic motives. The Portuguese explorers wanted their new | |instrument for navigation; the German mine-owners asked questions about metallurgy and machines for lifting and carrying heavy loads; Italian engineers | |improved their canals and locks and harbors by applying the principles of hydrostatics; English trading companies employed experts who used new methods | |of drawing charts. | | |Not far removed from the economic motives were those of the physicians and surgeons, who revolutionized anatomy and physiology, and did much more good | |than harm with their new medicines and new operations, though some of them now seem absurd. Like the doctors, the soldiers called science to their aid in| |designing and aiming artillery or in planning fortifications. But there were other motives far removed from the economic sphere. Jewelers learnt much | |about precious and semi-precious stones, but so did magicians. | | |Musicians learnt the mathematics of harmony; painters and architects studied light and color, substances and proportions, not only as craftsmen but as | |artists. For a number of reasons religion impelled men to scientific study. The most definite and old-established was the desire to reach absolute | |correctness in calculating the dates for the annual fixed and movable festivals of the Church: it was a pope who presided over the astronomical | |researchers by which the calendar was reformed in the 16th century. | | | |For many reasons, deeper and stronger was the desire to study the wonders of science across Europe, and the order which it unraveled in the universe, as | |manifestations of the Creator’s will by around 1600. | |Document 3 | |PRIMARY SOURCE | |Left – Geocentric model of the universe as first described by Ptolemy (90-168 AD). |Right – H eliocentric model of the universe as first described by Copernicus (1473-1543) | [pic] |Document 4 | |PRIMARY SOURCE: A Letter to Christina of Tuscany from Galileo Galilei, 1615. | |I think that in discussions of physical problems we ought to begin not rom the authority of scriptural passages, but from sense-experiences and | |necessary demonstrations; for the holy Bible and the phenomena of nature proceed alike from the divine Word. It is necessary for the Bible, in order | |to be understood by the average man, to speak many things which appear to differ from the absolute truth so far as the bare meaning of the words is | |concerned. But Nature, on the other hand, is inexorable and immutable and never transgresses the laws imposed upon her, or cares whether reason and | |method of operation are understandable to men†¦ | | | |For that reason it appears that nothing physical which sense-experience sets before our eyes, or which necessary demonstrations prove to us, ought to | |be called in question (much less condemned) upon the testimony of biblical passages which may have some different meaning beneath their words. For the| |Bible is not chained in every expression to conditions as strict as those which govern all physical effects; nor is God any less excellently revealed | |in Nature’s actions than in the sacred statements of the Bible. . . . The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go. | | | |From this I do not mean to infer that we need not have an extraordinary esteem for the passages of Holy Scripture. On the contrary, having arrived at | |any certainties in physics, we ought to utilize these as the most appropriate aids in the true meaning of the Bible and in the investigation of those | |meanings which are necessarily contained therein, for these must be understood with demonstrated truths. I should judge that the authority of the | |Bible was designed to persuade men of those beleifs and propositions which, surpassing all human reasoning, could not be made credible by science, or | |by any other means than through the very mouth of the Holy Spirit. | | |Yet even in those propositions which are not matters of faith, Biblical authority ought to be preferred over that of all human writings which are | |supported only by bare assertions or opinions, and not set forth in a demonstrative way. This I hold to be necessary and proper to the same extent | |that divine wisdom surpasses all human judgment and conjecture†¦ I do not feel obliged to elieve that that same God who has endo wed us with senses, | |reason, and intellect has intended all humanity to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge. | |Document 5 | |PRIMARY SOURCE: The Papal Inquisition’s condemnation of Galileo, 1633. | |We say, pronounce, sentence, and declare that you. he said Galileo, by reason of the matters discussed in trial, and by your confession as you | |rendered, are in the’ judgment of this Holy Office vehemently suspected of heresy, namely, of having believed and held the doctrine-which is false and| |contrary to the sacred and divine Scriptures–that the Sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west and that the Earth moves and| |is not the center of the world†¦ | | | |Furthermore, your opinion has been declared and defined to be contrary to the Holy Scripture; and that consequently you have incurred all the censures| |and penalties imposed and stated in the sacred laws of the Church, for [breaking] this sacred lawà ¢â‚¬ ¦ | | | |From which we are content that you be absolved, provided that, first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, you renounce, curse, and detest before| |us the aforesaid errors and heresies and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church in the form to be prescribed| |by us for you. | Document 6 PRIMARY SOURCE | |Isaac Newton, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1729. | |RULE 1 | |We are to admit no more causes of natural things, than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. | |To this purpose the philosophers say, that Nature does nothing in vain, and more is in vain, when less will serve; for Nature is pleased with simplicity, and | |affects not the pomp of superfluous causes. | |RULE II | |Therefore to the same natural effects we must, as far as possible, assign the same causes. |As to respiration in a man, and in a beast; the descent of stones in Europe and in America; the light of`our culinary fire and of the sun; the reflection of | |light in the earth, and in the planets | |RULE III | |The qualities of bodies, which admit neither intension nor remission of degrees, and which are found to belong to all bodies within reach of our experiments, | |are to be esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever. | |For since the qualities of bodies are only known to us by experiments, we are to hold for universal, all such as universally agree with experiments. We are | |certainly not to relinquish the evidence of experiments for the sake of dreams and vain fictions of our own devising†¦. Lastly, if it universally appears, by | |experiments and astronomical observations, that all bodies about the earth, gravitate toward the earth; and that in proportion to the quantity of matter which | |they severally contain; that the moon likewise, according to the quantity of its matter, gravitates toward the earth; that on the other hand our sea gravitates| |toward the moon; and all the planets mutually one toward another; we must, in consequence of this rule, universally allow, that all bodies whatsoever are | |endowed with a principle of mutual gravitation. I affirm gravity to be essential to all bodies. By their inherent force I mean nothing but their force of` | |inertia. This is immutable. | |RULE IV | |In experimental philosophy we are to look upon propositions collected by general induction from phenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding | |any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phenomena occur, by which they may either be made more accurate, or liable to exceptions. | | | |This rule we must follow that the argument of experimentation and evidence may not be evaded by hypotheses. | How to cite Scientific Revolution, Essay examples Scientific Revolution Free Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms free essay sample
a) Statistical surveysStatistical survey is an investigation about the characteristic of phenomenon by means of collecting data from a sample of the population and estimating their characteristics through systematic use of statistical methodology. Survey mainly uses interview to collect data; this can either be direct interview, telephone interview, email interview or online survey.Surveys are advantageous source of data as the researcher has direct control over the data and there is possibility of asking data according to statistical definitions during the collection.The disadvantages of surveys are high cost, especially in conducting direct interviews. Quality of the feedback can also be compromised, for instance, non-response and errors.b) CensusThis is a complete enumeration of a population at a point in time with respect to well-defined characteristics, for example, population, production, etc. For instance, Kenya has been taking census from 1948, when the first census was taken. The last four censuses after the independence (1969, 1979, 1999 and 2009) have been conducted in a span of ten years. We will write a custom essay sample on OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In census, the data is mostly collected through questionnaires.Census provides better data compared to surveys as it target the entire population of either a country or region. It also provides a basis for sampling frames which may be used in subsequent surveys. On the other hand, it is expensive to plan, conduct and to process the resulting data.c) RegistersRegister is a database that is updated continuously for a specific purpose and from which statistics can be collected and produced. Examples include: administrative registers (e.g. government departments), private registers (such as those from insurance companies among other private entities).Registers as a source of statistical data has the cost advantage, that is, there is low cost in collecting and processing the data from this source. However, possible under-coverage in terms of information may render it disadvantages to some users.
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